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我们最新研发的"尿道拉伸器 "用于持久拉伸和扩大男性尿道,拉伸范围从 6 毫米到 30 毫米不等。







    为 "Cock Stuffing and Sounding "朋友们提供的创新产品是由一种特殊的不锈钢合金制成的,这种合金也用于医疗技术领域。我们最新研发的 "尿道拉伸器 "可持续拉伸和扩张男性尿道 6 至 30 毫米。

    尿道拉伸器 "采用高精度 CNC 工艺制造,总高度约 55 毫米,直径约 33 毫米。要插入的两根杆的长度为 30 毫米,直径为 3 毫米。


    信息:初始直径为 6 毫米,最大拉伸长度约为 30 毫米。请务必遵守拉伸器的卫生说明!

    卫生是一个重要方面。请使用我们的消毒喷雾剂 "VERYCLEAN"(货号 8305)彻底消毒您的双手和要插入的产品,详见说明书。插入时,请仅使用我们专门为此开发的润滑凝胶 "VERYDEEP"(货号 8306)。




    MAXIMAL gedehnt

    Habe den Stretcher von MEO seit einigen Tagen und bereits oft benutzt. Er ist super verarbeitet, allerdings bedarf es etwas Arbeit bis alles so sitzt wie es soll, aber dies ist bei dieser Konstruktion im Vorhinein klar gewesen. Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen ^^

    • 0 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    MEOTEAM do it again with a fantastic piece.

    MEOTEAM do it again with a fantastic piece. This must be the best stretching toy on the planet. I have used this daily and my penis head is loving every minute of use. To improve the experience and ensure maximum stretching I have applied a numbing cream to the head and this allows for almost a full extended stretch.



      The Urethral Stretcher is for those serious about Urethral stretching only! If you truly want to stretch this piece will get down and dirty and get it done!

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      I really love my stretcher

      I really love my stretcher my cock really gets hard after I put it on over the head of my cock and I stretch my pee hole out to the max I love the the pleasure and pain that it gives me it feels so good I will give it a 5 star

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      5 stars

      This unique stainless steel urethral device offers a unique take on urethral play.

      In the same manner that an open mouth gag makes sure that your partner is nice and wide for inserting devices, this urethral stretcher pulls the urethra wide to allow you to insert your choice of items.

      Just place it inside of the urethra and turn the knobs to widen. Each side has its own knob so you can adjust as you see fit. Get that area nice and wide for jewelry, plugs, or other devious decisions you have in store.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      D'une grande facilité d'utilisation, en particulier pour les déb

      D'une grande facilité d'utilisation, en particulier pour les débutants.

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      Einstellbarer Harnröhrendehner

      Die Spreizvorrichtung ist auf dem Eichelring fest angebracht und ermöglicht eine theoretische Spreizung von ca. 30 mm. Mit einer Gegenmutter kann die jeweilige Stellung arritiert werden. Ein super Produkt was mir viel Freude macht.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Easy to use

      So I spent years with a urethral fetish. Even made my own plugs. I ditch putting random things in there a while ago. Recently got a Hegar set from MEO which has been great as my aim is to get a finger in there. Getting pretty close. With this you can stretch without that moment of tension when pushing it. Gradually open it up and rotate the metal to the right place. Yet to cm with it on. Hard to wank while its on but urethral is rarely about that

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


      I had problems with getting above 10mm sounds, but with help from this little device i can now get 12mm in, worth every penny

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      when i stretch my dick hole...love it!!!

      cant believe i found this device...ive been trying to stretch my dick hole wide enuff to slide in my pinky finger...i believe this will do the trick thru constant exercising and loosening the hole...i know for a fact my load comes out much thicker when i stretch my dick hole...love it!!!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.




      我们最新研发的"尿道拉伸器 "用于持久拉伸和扩大男性尿道,拉伸范围从 6 毫米到 30 毫米不等。



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