MEO 推出的这款多功能 BDSM 情趣玩具无疑是为经验丰富、有责任心的 CBT 爱好者准备的,因为它的品质和危险性毋庸置疑。 这款 BDSM 情趣玩具一方面是球 Crusher,可以像便携式夹子一样随处使用。另一方面,它也是一种引导辅助工具。
此外,我们的碎球器还可以作为球体担架使用,只需添加额外的重物、链条或绳子即可。 CBT,即 Cock & Ball Torture,是一种 BDSM(捆绑与调教、支配与服从、虐待狂与受虐狂)性实践,侧重于刺激和操纵男性生殖器。这种做法包括对阴茎和睾丸施加压力或强烈刺激的各种技巧和工具。
常用的 BDSM 性玩具包括 Baller Crusher、Ball Stretcher、电极和其他专门的 BDSM 性玩具。 在口语中,"折磨 "一词通常带有负面含义,与违背个人意愿实施的、造成痛苦或折磨的不道德行为联系在一起。相比之下,BDSM 背景下的 CBT 是建立在知情同意、相互同意和当事人之间相互信任的原则之上的。
以下几个要点可以解释为什么 CBT 不是伦理意义上的 "酷刑": 同意:包括 CBT 在内的 BDSM 最重要的原则之一就是所有参与者的同意。所有行为都要事先讨论,只有在所有参与者自愿同意的情况下才能实施。
这与酷刑有着本质区别,在酷刑中受害者别无选择。 安全用语和界限:BDSM 中经常使用 "安全词",让参与者在感到不舒服或达到极限时立即停止活动。
这可以确保所有行为都安全可控。 信任和交流:信任和坦诚交流是任何 BDSM 关系的重要组成部分。每次进行 BDSM 前,我们都会详细讨论哪些行为是可以接受的,哪些是不可以接受的。
这就创造了一个安全的环境,让每个参与其中的人都能实现自己的幻想,而不会感到受到威胁。 尊重和关怀:尽管 CBT 实践具有强烈的性质,但相互尊重仍占据中心位置。
支配者和顺从者伴侣会照顾彼此的健康,确保双方都能获得愉悦和满足的体验。 幻想和快感:对于许多对 BDSM 和 CBT 感兴趣的人来说,这不仅仅是疼痛,还有随之而来的心理和情感刺激。
这些做法能让伴侣之间产生深层次的性满足和独特的联系。 总之,CBT 并不是道德意义上的 "折磨",而是 BDSM 中一种双方自愿、精心协调的性爱做法。它的基础是信任、沟通以及探索新界限和感受快感的共同愿望。
只要尊重这些原则,CBT 对所有参与者来说都是一次安全而有益的体验。更多详情:
Punisci il tuo giocattolo, o addirittura te stesso, con un gioco
Punisci il tuo giocattolo, o addirittura te stesso, con un gioco avvitato! Gira la vita sullo scroto e scopri cosa succede! Cinque viti affilate premeranno sullo scroto quando la manovella abbasserà la barra in acciaio, progettata per schiacciare i testicoli contro le viti stesse. Rimuovi le viti per una sensazione diversa, con lo scroto pressato tra due barre metalliche. La manovella si svita gradualmente per consentire di regolare il dolore e il piacere al proprio ritmo.
Kann richtig schön weh tun
Der Ball Crusher kann - wenn man es will - richtig schön weh tun.
Amazing sensation!
This is a very sturdy piece of equipment. It will benefit from a tiny bit of Ballistol oil along the sides where the clamp slides and along the threads of the screw. In addition to using it as a ball clamp, it can also do some amazing stuff as a cock torture device. You can out your cock in it and clamp it down at the base near your balls...a little bit of pain and a lot of swelling--the good kind. My master used a MEO pin wheel on it and it was almost too much; hypersensitive I guess. Anyway you can masturbate with the lower 1/4 of your cock clamped flat in this beauty, and if it's a good strong orgasm then when you release the clamp the cum will literally pour out of your cock.
Makes me beg for mercy
Fantastic device. Works better on entire package than just testicles but will really put the squeeze on your manhood. Will go as tight as you dare! Makes me beg for mercy every time!!
Great CBT tool
This a great tool to use to crush your balls slowly. It does take a little practice to use to keep the nut from sliding to one side or the other as u turn the screw. For me I can only crush one nut at a time. My balls are to big to do both. I put quarter inch markings on the sides of the shaft to see how close I get to crushing and splitting mu nut. I can monitor the affects better since I marked it. I can push my nuts further to splitting or to not splitting to. Really love using it. I look forward to banding my nut and then applying the ball crusher to see how far I can go
BALL CRUSHER - the sky is the limit
This ball crusher is a simple yet effective device perfect for those that love cock and ball torture. It's just the right tool for ball crushing or weighted ball stretching. Slip your testicles through the gap and use the screw to tighten the clamp just above your balls for a weighted stretch. The simple screw mechanism gives you great control over the intense pressure you can inflict on your testicles but be sure not to cut off circulation! Simply turn the screw mechanism, counter clockwise, to make the bar move inward, applying deep pressure against the balls. Once you've gotten used to the weight of this devious device you can use the loop on the end to hang additional weights or to attach rope. When you're into cock and ball torture then you know full well that the sky is the limit. When you're ready to release them just reverse the direction of the screw.
10/10 for that and the service
Top marks for delivery ordered a load of stuff yesterday Monday and got them today Tuesday, 10/10 for that and the service
ASS Monster - 充气式 XL 屁塞
$74.89 $53.49
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不锈钢磁性球 Stretcher
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